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48 Northampton Crescent, EastleaHarare
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Varifreight is a member of the Varichem Ltd Group of Companies which incorporates the following wholly owned subsidiaries: Varichem Pharmaceuticals Prochem Pvt Ltd, Greenwood Pharmacies and Wholesalers, Varifreight Pvt Ltd. The Group is wholly owned by a consortium of indigenous investors from diverse Professional backgrounds and has been in existence since 1989. Varifreight in particular was established in April 1995 initially to provide shipping logistic services to its sisters companies and has expanded its client base to over thirty regular clients. Our Vision To become an efficient provider of global services that add value to our customers business operations. Our Mission To ensure maximisation of all stakeholders interests through provision of personalised and competitively priced shipping logistic services Core Values *To exercise total integrity in all our dealings with various stakeholders *To show and uphold passion in delivering our services *To ensure transparency in all our dealings *To uphold professionalism and ethical behaviour in all we do *To exercise diligence in all our dealings Goals *To be one of the market leaders in freight logistics *To ensure a worthy return to our shareholders for their investment *To ensure fair and equitable employment rewards to all our employees *To achieve Zero defect service levels in all that we do Our Services Freight forwarding by road , rail and airfreight We arrange for carriage by contracting with various carriers. We advise on documentation and customs requirements in the country of destination. Our correspondent agents based overseas look after our customers' goods and keep us informed about matters that would affect movement of goods. Project freight logistics management We provide consultancy to the transport, shipping and project industry.With our in depth knowledge in this field, we operate on a consultancy basis, securing orders from clients, and brokering the business to transport contractors. Removal in transit We are Zimbabwe Revenue Authority registered clearing agents and will be in possession of the Removal in Transit Bond. This enables us to ensure that imported goods destined for another country pass through the borders of Zimbabwe without payment of duty. Removal in bond We are licensed under SARS sub-Section 64D(1), to be a remover of goods in bond. We have are Shipping & General license holders with customs and excise as an approved RIB carriers, We also have a monetary road bond guarantee lodged with customs enabling us tofurther enhance our service offering to our clients. Transit insurance We are certified to provide transit insurance and which means that we prove financial protection against the loss of, or damage to, goods that are transported as part of your stated business activity. Warehousing We provides fit-for-purpose and client specific warehouse storage solutions by managing and operating customised storage space. Our services include terminal management, container handling, enterprise web enablement and pallet management.
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Vari-Freight (Pvt) Ltd
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