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Runyararo RdHarare
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TM Supermarkets is part of the retail arm of Meikles Limited (link is external), a listed concern on the ZSE. It is one of the leading Food and Grocery retail brand in Zimbabwe according to independent market research. Since its inception in March 1978, TM Supermarket has grown and currently comprises a branch network of 52 stores country wide. The store formats range from convenient small supermarkets to Hypermarkets, with Borrowdale and Hyper in Harare and Bulawayo respectively, being the biggest branches. The supermarket chain also has Pick n Pay of South Africa (link is external) as a shareholder with a 49% stake. The current relationship with Pick n Pay South Africa has been enhanced to encompass the sharing of technical expertise and sourcing of the much needed product brands from South Africa to compliment the Zimbabwean range in an effort to meet and exceed customer expectations. From its inception, TM Supermarkets has gained significant experience in the FMCGs, and has become one of the most trusted retail brands in Zimbabwe. With its pay off line Real Value Always customers are offered a shopping experience in clean stores where they get a wide range of groceries at competitive prices. Our customers always look for bargains and TM always meets this expectation hence the reason why it is the biggest and the most preferred retail chain in Zimbabwe. With its spread, TM Supermarkets draws its customer base from low end to upper end across the whole country and is the most preferred channel by suppliers for their products. TM maintains strictly a professional relationship with its valued suppliers, and acts in the best interest of its customers, as such it has gained advantage over its competitors by being the most preferred channel by both Suppliers and customers. TM continues to upgrade its branches after having upgraded Kamfinsa,Masvingo,Westgate and Arundel with the aim of giving our suppliers and customers real value through modern shopping experience. TM Supermarkets is managed by a team with vast experience in retail and this has helped in building strong relationships with suppliers, customers and all other stakeholders. TM Supermarkets acknowledges that for it to prosper, it has to work closely with the society and as such, it supports the less privileged through various charitable organization country wide where it is represented, thereby promoting the culture of compassionate and responsible corporate citizenship. Our employees will be professional and honesty in their dealings with all our stakeholders. TM Supermarkets seeks to provide a stimulating and safe environment for all stakeholders. In this context, TM Supermarkets believes and acknowledges that good sustainability practice equates to responsible business practice, and that a well managed company is motivated to act responsibly.
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TM Supermarkets
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