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Blog - Starting a business - what to do and what to avoid

Starting a business - what to do and what to avoid

13th November, 2018


Starting a business is no easy job. There is an amazingly great amount of things you need to consider before even thinking about beginning to take action. It might sound crazy to consider that each and every detail matters but in this field this is a universal truth you need to keep in mind at all times. Depending on the domain you are opening your business in; there are certain steps you need to accomplish. For instance, Zimbabwe business directory offers you the opportunity to advertise your business in their E-Yellow pages directory.


This means it will be easier for your clients to find you. If someone will look for a product or service you are placing on the market, it will be much easier to find your business by searching through engines such as Google or Yahoo. Plus, they also have an Android app which contains the listings of businesses on the yellow pages. Nowadays using Internet and devices is something everyone is doing daily, so you should invest in advertising on this specific way. Here’s what you should do and what you should avoid:


To do:

  • Advertise as much as you can

The first step towards achieving notoriety and – therefore – clients is by advertising. No matter the way you do advertise is important for your offers and services to reach customers. This way, you are making sure products will be sold and profit will be made. Nowadays social media is one of the best ways to make your company known. Plus, business directories are there to list your company too.

  • Offer quality products and services

You will need to offer qualitative products and services in order for people to keep buying from you or to buy from you in the first place. Without quality, you won’t get anywhere and competition will surely beat your profits. Try investing reasonable amounts in your business and make sure you check the market before doing so.  Look for companies which activate in the same field as you do and comparing products and prices so you will be seeing if you are on the right track at the.

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